hello there..its been a while since d last post..
well juz wanna say SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN to all muslims who celebrate it.
im going home tomorrow, which is friday(we got special holiday on dat day..=) )but then there's an announcement dis morning..had laju jalan persekutuan n lebuhraya dikurangkan..hehe..terpaksa ah batalkan niat nk racing balik.kuang3..bosan3..^0^
dis year i got only 2baju kurung, peach n orange(huhu, last year i got 3, hehe).well hopefully raya dis year is better than last year..(sux~~haha) #rolling eyes#
well actually im in d middle of sending online pre reg UPSR 2010 yang damn lembab tahap cipan laut(argghhh!!) #headdesk# napa la depa wat bendalah yg bile sume org access jd lembab.haha.d prob is bile nk send je 'masalah teknikal' akan terpampang..wargghh..bapak bengang siioott..#curse#
owh, life fulls of stresses..i need a good laugh now.huhu ^_^
cest la vie~~c ya!!